Student Clubs

Note: Student clubs are open to all students regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, disability, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Columbia University Neuroscience Outreach (CUNO)
CUNO is a student-run organization that seeks to enhance the communication skills of graduate students while promoting a lifelong interest in science in NYC communities. To this end, CUNO volunteers teach in local schools and host public science fairs that feature engaging scientific demonstrations to provide accessible lessons in neuroscience. We hold regular curriculum development meetings to plan lessons for these events, and we host sessions to train new GSAS student volunteers in teaching skills. CUNO administrators coordinate school visits and volunteer training and hold monthly executive meetings.
President: Briana McRae (Neurobiology & Behavior) and Risako Kimura (Neurobiology & Behavior)
Columbia Students for Size Inclusivity (CSSI): An Affiliate Organization of Medical Students for Size Inclusivity (MSSI)
Columbia Students for Size Inclusivity will be an affiliate organization of MSSI, an interscholastic grassroots advocacy organization, focused on raising awareness about weight bias in the medical community. The mission of Columbia Students for Size Inclusivity: An Affiliate Organization of MSSI is to raise awareness about weight discrimination, weight-neutral healthcare, and the interplay between eating disorders and weight bias in medicine, research, and public health. Some of our organization's events and projects may include community conversations, reviewing current lecture materials for weight biased content, hosting physician/expert panels, conducting research projects, creating training modules, etc.
President: Asia Patlis (Nutritional & Metabolic Biology); Vice President: Griffin Gowdy (Nutritional & Metabolic Biology)
CUIMC Chinese Students & Scholars Association (CUIMC-CSSA)
CUIMC-CSSA services Chinese students and scholars at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, and seeks to unite all Chinese in the community, promote Chinese culture, and enhance international communication.
President: Yuqi Cai (Neurobiology & Behavior); Vice President: Yanlin Cui (Biostatistics); Secretary and Operation: Huanyu Chen (Biostatistics)
CUIMC Jewish Graduate Student Alliance (Jewish@CUIMC)
The Columbia University Irving Medical Center Jewish Graduate Student Alliance (Jewish@CUIMC) is dedicated to creating a home away from home for Jewish students across the medical center campus by fostering a supportive and inclusive community. Our primary purpose is to provide a welcoming space for Jewish students from all backgrounds and cultures to celebrate their unique Jewish identity and engage in meaningful discussions. We are committed to offering respite and support to students experiencing prejudice and are dedicated to promoting understanding, respect, and inclusivity within our campus.
President: Esther Rotlevi (Neurobiology & Behavior); Vice President: Noga Aharony (Integrated Program) and Michael Gross (Psychiatric Mental Health); Treasurer: Alan Banner (Dental Medicine); Secretary: Shira Eisman (Genetics & Development)
Food for Thought
The Food for Thought group strives to facilitate discussions and activities, to educate ourselves and the community on the relevance of our food choices to issues of heath, the environment, and social justice. We hope that by applying our scientific knowledge, as well as what we learn from our discussions, to current problems in society we can gain a better understanding of how to approach these issues. The Food for Thought club will provide an environment for learning and experiencing the importance of food, and then use this information to give back to the broader community.
President: Quin Waterbury (Nutritional & Metabolic Biology)
Graduate Initiative for Diversity
The main goal of the Graduate Initiative for Diversity is to further the success of underrepresented graduate students at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC). We strive to highlight and celebrate diversity and to build a community amongst peers. Our events will provide a safe space to network with other students and thus enhance the sense of community and belonging. We will also promote professional and career development seminars focused on specific issues found within the community. Finally, we aim to recruit and increase the diversity of the graduate student population and to engage with the Washington Heights community through outreach activities. This organization welcomes graduate students including but not limited to: African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, first-generation, and those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds.
Presidents: Christopher Cardona (Integrated Program); Vice-President: Kyle Helms (Integrated Program); Book-Club: Jennifer Gamarra (Integrated Program); Community Outreach/Social Chair: Carly Lam (Microbiology & Immunology); Communication Chair: Jess Armand (Integrated Program) & Caela Phillips (Integrated Program); Social Justice Movie Night Committee: Jonathan Chin Cheong (Integrated Program) & Aiyana Monae (Cellular and Molecular Physiology & Biophysics); and Coffee Break Committee: Laura Rodriguez-Bonilla (Integrated Program), Julie McInvale (Neurobiology & Behavior), & Yuqi (Shirley) Cai (Neurobiology & Behavior).
Science Matters Research Internship (SMRI)
The SMRI Program aims to develop interest and confidence in the sciences within underrepresented and underprivileged New York City high school students. SMRI selects enthusiastic 11th grade (Junior Year) students from the NYC Minds Matter Chapter, who first attend a rigorous Bio-Boot Camp where they receive lectures given by graduate students in the Coordinated Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences on a wide range of biological topics and are introduced to a laboratory setting during a tutorial workshop. This important training element to the internship provides the interns with a baseline level of knowledge and skill set that prepares them to excel when they start their research project. Secondly, they begin the three-month research internship where they are paired with a Columbia graduate student mentor to engage in a research project that culminates in a final presentation. SMRI interns earn valuable research experience in a Columbia University laboratory, develop professional speaking skills, and participate in active discussions on scientific research, career goals and life in the sciences. A quality science education provides children with the tools they will need to succeed professionally and lead healthy lives. Graduate students at Columbia have enormous potential to help surrounding New York public schools motivate and inspire their students to succeed in the sciences.
Directors: Dan Ross (Molecular Pharmacology & Therapeutics), Jared Gatto (Genetics & Development), & Hijab Fatima
Women in Science at Columbia (WISC)
WISC is dedicated to the outreach, support, and advancement of women, underrepresented minorities, and their advocates in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematical graduate fields at Columbia University. WISC is one organization made up of two chapters – one at Morningside and one at the Medical Center. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend events on either or both campuses.
WISC-CUIMC Presidents: Eva Kaye (Integrated Program) & Christine Wu (Microbiology & Immunology)