​Genetics and Development
Genetics and Development candidates must successfully complete the required courses, listed below, with grades of B- or better. Anyone receiving a C+ grade or below may be required to repeat a course at the discretion of the training committee. A cumulative GPA of B+ in required courses must be maintained to remain in good academic standing. Course requirements are usually met within the first two years. Additional courses may be required by the training committee for individual students, depending on the student’s interests and background.
Required Courses
Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics (GEND G4050)
Advanced treatment of the principles and methods of the molecular biology of eukaryotes, emphasizing the organization, expression, and evolution of eukaryotic genes. Topics include reassociation and hybridization kinetics, gene numbers, genomic organization at the DNA level, mechanisms of recombination, transposable elements, DNA rearrangements, gene amplification, oncogenes, recombinant DNA techniques, transcription, and RNA splicing. Students participate in discussions of problems set on the current literature. Course Director: Tim Bestor.
Methods in Genetics and Development (G4501)
Genetic Approaches to Biological Problems I (GEND G6210)
This course is designed to illustrate how genetic systems have played a fundamental role in our understanding of basic biological problems. Topics include mitosis and meiosis, chromosomal linkage and mapping, consequences of chromosomal rearrangements, mechanisms of recombination and gene conversion, the use of mutants to study gene structure, regulation and the cell cycle, uses of recombinant DNA in genetic analysis, and the genetic analysis of development in Drosophila.
Genetic Approaches to Biological Problems II (GEND G6211)
Basic principles and current areas of interest in mouse and human genetics. Topics include an introduction to mouse genetics, X-chromosome inactivation and genomic imprinting, genetic manipulation of the mouse, genetics of mouse coat color, genetics of sex determination, human linkage analysis, somatic cell genetics, physical mapping of the human genome, cytogenetics, mitochondrial genetics, and disease. Course Directors: Michael Shen and Wayne Frankel.
Seminars in Genetics and Development (GEND G9321)
Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology I (BCHM G6300)
This fall-semester course is required for all first-year students and covers basic biochemical and experimental principles, such as protein and nucleic acid structure and chemistry, thermodynamics and enzyme kinetics, and bioinformatics. Also discussed are biochemical processes common to all cells, such as genome replication and repair, regulation of gene expression, cell cycle control, and cell membrane and receptor biochemistry. Course Director: Stavros Lomvardas.
Responsible Conduct of Research and Related Policy Issues (CMBS G4010)
This spring-semester course explores a variety of ethical and policy issues that may arise during basic and clinical scientific research. Course sessions include lectures, discussion periods, and analyses of case studies. Columbia requires that all graduate students share in the discussions. Course Directors: Arthur Palmer and Jaime Rubin.
Statistics for the Basic Sciences (PHAR G8012)
This spring-semester course provides an introduction to the basic statistics commonly used in biomedical research laboratories. Students are provided with a statistical software package for use during the course. Exercises based on relevant experimental data sets use the software to reinforce the lecture material. Topics covered include the role of statistics in biomedical research, principles of statistical analysis, and selecting and applying the appropriate statistical tests. Course Director: Arthur Palmer.